This chapter is divided into two sections, the RPP system, and the Linux Installation Manager or lim. The RPP system is the foundation of RHC Linux. It allows you to install software packages (binary or source), track and verify the packages, and uninstall them. The lim is a graphical interface to the RPP system. In addition to being an easy point and click way of using the RPP system, the lim performs many safety and consistency checks on your requests before it executes them. You will learn to appreciate these features the first time you have to recover from an rpp-uninstall bash!
In case you were wondering, RPP stands for Red Hat Program Package (yeah, I know I left out the `H' :-). The words ``RPP'', ``rpp'', ``package'' and ``Red Hat Program Package'' are used interchangeably, and they all refer to the same thing.
NOTE: You may see mention of ``relocatability'', ``prefix'', ``installation prefix'', and ``update packages''. These features can and should be ignored as they will be removed in the next release of RHC Linux. All packages contain a default prefix, and there is no need to override it.
IMPORTANT: Do not execute two or more rpp programs at the same time! Do not execute any rpp programs while lim is running! Doing so can corrupt the rpp record files. A future version of the rpp system will incorporate locking to avoid this.