Red Hat's support system is email-based and is partially automated; for this reason, it is important to make sure you send support questions in the correct format, so that your message will be recognized and routed to an appropriate support technician. In order to receive technical support for your Red Hat Software product, you must first register it.
For each new problem you need support for, the support system opens a support ticket. To open a support ticket, all you need to do is send the support system a message with a Subject: of [registration #nnnnnn], where nnnnnn is the registration number of the product for which you are requesting support (not your support ID). For example, if your registration number is 654321, the subject line should read:
Subject: [registration #654321]
The square brackets, the number sign, and the word ``registration'' must be present. If you wish, you may add explanatory text to the subject line:
Subject: [registration #654321] CD-ROM problem
Once you've opened a ticket, support responses come to you with the support ticket number in the subject line:
Subject: [ticket #98] CD-ROM problem
To correspond about the same problem, simply send a reply with the same subject:
Subject: Re: [ticket #98] CD-ROM problem
Once your problem is solved or your question answered, the technician handling your support ticket will close the ticket; you will receive a message from the support system indicating that the ticket is closed and containing a summary of the problem and the solution. You can open a new ticket for your next support question.