To add a module of any type, click on the ``Add'' button. You will be presented with a dialog box (Figure 8.12) asking you to choose a module type. Ethernet is eth, Token Ring is tr, SCSI controllers are scsihostadapter, and so on. Click ``OK'' to continue to
the next dialog box. If there is more than one module which can be used for the module type you have chosen, you will be presented with a dialog box (Figure 8.13) which asks which module you want to use, and may also ask for specifics about the type of module; for ethernet, for example, you need to choose from eth0, eth1, etc. When you are done, click ``OK'' again to continue to specify any module options in the next dialog box (Figure 8.13), which is the same dialog box with which you are presented when you edit a module.
Figure 8.13: Selecting from available modules