Using the Accessibility Preference Tools

This chapter describes how to use the Accessibility preference tools to customize your desktop.

II.11.1. Opening an Accessibility Tool

You can open an Accessibility preference tool in the following ways:

  • From the Desktop Preferences menu

    Choose Applications ▸ Desktop Preferences ▸ Accessibility. Choose the preference tool that you require from the submenu. The dialog for the tool is displayed.

  • From the Start Here location

    Open a Nautilus window, then choose Go ▸ Start Here. Alternatively, double-click on the Start Here object on the desktop background. The Start Here location is displayed. Double-click on the Preferences object in the Nautilus window, then double-click on the Accessibility folder. The following figure shows the Accessibility folder:

II.11.2. Configuring Keyboard Accessibility Options

Use the Keyboard Accessibility preference tool to set the keyboard and miscellaneous accessibility preferences.

The Keyboard Accessibility preference tool is also known as AccessX.

You can customize the Keyboard Accessibility preference tool in the following tabbed sections:

  • Keyboard
  • Misc

II.11.2.1. Keyboard Accessibility Options

Figure II.11-1Default Keyboard Accessibility Options

Table II.11-1 lists the settings that you can modify for the keyboard options.

Table II.11-1Keyboard Accessibility Options
Option Function
Enable keyboard accessibility Select this option to activate the keyboard accessibility preferences.

Enable Bounce Keys

Select this option to accept a key input and to control the key repeat characteristics of the keyboard. You can specify the following bounce keys settings:

  • Ignore keypresses within: Use this setting to specify the interval to wait after the first keypress before the automatic repeat of a pressed key. Setting range: 10 to 900 milliseconds.
  • Beep when key is rejected: Select this option for an audible indication of key rejection.

Enable Mouse Keys

Select this option to make the numeric keypad on your keyboard emulate mouse actions. You can specify the following mouse key settings:

  • Maximum pointer speed: Use this setting to specify the maximum speed that the pointer moves across the screen. Setting range: 1 to 100 pixels per second.
  • Time to accelerate to maximum speed: Use this setting to specify the duration of the acceleration time of the pointer. Setting range: 10 to 5000 milliseconds.
  • Start moving this long after keypress: Use this setting to specify the period of time that must pass after a keypress before the pointer moves. Setting range: 10 to 5000 milliseconds.
Test Area The test area is an interactive interface so you can see how the keyboard settings affect the display as you type. Type text in the test area to test the effect of your settings.

Enable Slow Keys

Select this option to control the period of time that you must press and hold a key before acceptance. You can specify the following slow keys settings:

  • Only accept keypress after: Use this setting to specify the period of time that you must press and hold a key before acceptance. Setting range: 10 and 900 milliseconds.
  • Beep when key is pressed: Select this option for an audible indication of a keypress.
  • Beep when key is accepted: Select this option for an audible indication of key acceptance.
  • Beep when key is rejected: Select this option for an audible indication of key rejection.

Enable Sticky Keys

Select this option to perform multiple simultaneous keypress operations by pressing the keys in sequence. You can specify the following sticky keys settings:

  • Beep when modifier is pressed: Select this option for an audible indication when you press a modifier key.
  • Turn off Sticky Keys when two pressed simultaneously: Select this option to specify when you press two keys simultaneously, you can no longer press keys in sequence to perform multiple simultaneous keypresses.

Toggle Keys

Select this option for an audible indication of a toggle keypress. You hear one beep when a toggle key is turned on. You hear two beeps when a toggle key is turned off.

You can use the Keyboard preference tool to configure the repeat key preferences. For more information, see Section II.9.4 ― Configuring Keyboard Settings.

II.11.2.2. Miscellaneous Accessibility Options

Use the Keyboard Accessibility preference tool to set your general accessibility preferences.

You can change some session-level accessibility options in the Misc tabbed section of the Keyboard Accessibility dialog.

Figure II.11-2Default Miscellaneous Settings

Figure II.11-2 lists the settings that you can modify for the miscellaneous options.

Table II.11-2Miscellaneous Accessibility Options
Option Function
Beep when enabling/disabling keyboard accessibility features Select this option for an audible indication when a feature such as sticky keys or slow keys is activated, or deactivated.
Disable if unused Select this option to enable you to deactivate the keyboard accessibility preferences. Specify the period of time that must pass before timeout occurs. Setting range: 10 to 500 seconds.
Import CDE AccessX file Click on this button to import a CDE AccessX configuration file.