Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!rutgers!seismo!mcvax!botter!ast
From: a...@botter.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: GOTO statement considered suspicious
Message-ID: <>
Date: Fri, 12-Jun-87 06:38:40 EDT
Article-I.D.: botter.1208
Posted: Fri Jun 12 06:38:40 1987
Date-Received: Sun, 14-Jun-87 21:37:39 EDT
Reply-To: (Andy Tanenbaum)
Distribution: world
Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam
Lines: 38

I just got the message enclosed below.  Apparently people on bitnet can
read news but not send it.  If there are other people on bitnet/arpanet
etc who can't post news, you can send it to me and I will post it, unless
things get out of hand.  Please put NEWS: at the start of the subject line,
so I can tell which items to post.  I am still embarrassed about the time
I scrawled a personal, handwritten letter to the news-starved editor of one
of the ACM SIG newsletters, and he published it.

On the subject of mail/news, I am very conscientious about answering my
e-mail, even though there is a lot of it.  However, if the mail comes in
with reply address j...@foobar.uucp and our router doesn't know
about foobar, there is nothing I can do.  If you haven't gotten a reply
to mail within a week, send it again and include your full path from seismo
or mcvax.

Andy Tanenbaum (
This actually is meant for the minix newsgroup, but since i can't send to
it (as far as I know) I sent this to you.
It seems that the Minix Compiler is buggy in respect to goto's.
I noticed this the following way: I copied the source of Yacc from a
4.2BSD machine (VAX) and changed the headerfile with the definition
of the number of bits/int.
I compiled almost without trouble, but it didn't run. It completely
crashed the system after having read some of its input and having
written some of the intended output.
So I added fprintf's to it, and the more I added, the stranger the
results got: it did less and less and less.
The broblem may have to do with goto's in the program.
The question is: has this been noticed before, or is the bug somewhere
else ??
The opinions possibly reflected herein are my own, and not necessarily those
of someone else I might be connected with. They MAY, however, be.
--- Olaf (Rhialto) Seibert...  u613...@hnykun11.bitnet

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!cbosgd!ihnp4!ptsfa!hoptoad!gnu
From: g...@hoptoad.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: Stealing AT&T sources to run them on Minix
Message-ID: <2293@hoptoad.uucp>
Date: Mon, 15-Jun-87 00:40:05 EDT
Article-I.D.: hoptoad.2293
Posted: Mon Jun 15 00:40:05 1987
Date-Received: Tue, 16-Jun-87 01:17:54 EDT
References: <>
Organization: Nebula Consultants in San Francisco
Lines: 22

In article <>, (some bitnet guy) writes:
>                                   I copied the source of Yacc from a
> 4.2BSD machine (VAX) and changed the headerfile with the definition
> of the number of bits/int.

I recommend that you delete the copies you have made and get a copy of
Bison from the Free Software Foundation.  It's a yacc clone that you
can hack on without violating the AT&T source license your organization
signed.  Stealing sources from 4.2BSD machines for your micro is a bad
idea, and has gotten some people in trouble when they tried to
distribute the programs, or when they "leaked out".  If you have some
sources and you don't know if they are stolen, call +1 800 828 UNIX
and tell them about it -- the AT&T Unix Licensing folks.  They have a
task force that tracks this stuff down and lets you know if it's OK or stolen.

Hell, the whole point of Minix is that stealing Unix source is grounds
for suit by AT&T.  If we could all get a V7 or BSD Unix source tape for
$100, you wouldn't see anybody running Minix or GNU!  (Hint to AT&T)
Copyright 1987 John Gilmore; you may redistribute only if your recipients may.
(This is an effort to bend Stargate to work with Usenet, not against it.)

Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP
Path: utzoo!utgpu!water!watmath!clyde!rutgers!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!infotel!pollux!ti-csl!tifsie!kent
From: k...@tifsie.UUCP
Newsgroups: comp.os.minix
Subject: Re: GOTO statement considered suspicious
Message-ID: <407@tifsie.UUCP>
Date: Mon, 15-Jun-87 08:48:59 EDT
Article-I.D.: tifsie.407
Posted: Mon Jun 15 08:48:59 1987
Date-Received: Wed, 17-Jun-87 05:36:59 EDT
References: <>
Distribution: world
Organization: TI Process Automation Center, Dallas
Lines: 41

in article <>, (Andy Tanenbaum) says:
> It seems that the Minix Compiler is buggy in respect to goto's.
> I noticed this the following way: I copied the source of Yacc from a
> 4.2BSD machine (VAX) and changed the headerfile with the definition
> of the number of bits/int.
[ Remainder deleted -- RAK ]
> ---
> The opinions possibly reflected herein are my own, and not necessarily those
> of someone else I might be connected with. They MAY, however, be.
> --- Olaf (Rhialto) Seibert...  u613...@hnykun11.bitnet

Unless someone's changed the source licensing rules from both The University
of California at Berkeley, and AT&T, then Mr. Seibert could be in for a few
nasty letters from some legal types.  Presuming that he has a source license
for ONLY his VAX (and not his IBM PC), then he has violated his license in
that he has ported source from the VAX to the IBM PC, contrary to explicit
limitations stated in the source license.

While I won't go so far as to say that nobody has ever done this sort of thing
before ;-) it's downright foolhardy to publish it to the whole world.  I can
have sympathies for Mr. Seibert if he says that he couldn't recreate the
bug he saw with a non-proprietary source: we occaisionally find "curiosities"
and other not nice things in our Ultrix programs, but cannot demonstrate them
to DEC because of the proprietary nature of the program.

Gee, isn't copyright law FUN ???

Russell Kent			Phone: +1 214 995 3501
Texas Instruments - MS 3635	Net mail:
P.O. Box 655012			...!{ihnp4,uiucdcs}!convex!smu!tifsie!kent	
Dallas, TX 75265		...!ut-sally!im4u!ti-csl!tifsie!kent

oxymoron: (n.) a word or phrase which is nonsensical or contradicts itself,
	  e.g. "Legal Ethics Committee"
Russell Kent			Phone: +1 214 995 3501
Texas Instruments - MS 3635	Net mail:
P.O. Box 655012			...!{ihnp4,uiucdcs}!convex!smu!tifsie!kent	
Dallas, TX 75265		...!ut-sally!im4u!ti-csl!tifsie!kent