Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rochester!ritcv!rocksvax!martyl From: mar...@rocksvax.UUCP (Marty Leisner) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: minix C compiler performance Message-ID: <1131@rocksvax.UUCP> Date: Sat, 30-May-87 12:01:02 EDT Article-I.D.: rocksvax.1131 Posted: Sat May 30 12:01:02 1987 Date-Received: Mon, 1-Jun-87 05:44:07 EDT Organization: Xerox: Henrietta, NY Lines: 34 Well, I finally got my copy of Minix running on my harddisk on my 10 Mhz PC AT. I felt it took an awfully long time to recompile/link the kernel, so once I was up on a harddisk, I ran dhrystone to get an idea of performance (yeah, it ain't perfect, but it is a compute intensive benchmark). Under Minix, dhrystone (at least the copy I got from netlib) turned about 250 dhrystones/second. Under Aztec C/MS-DOS on the same hardware, dhrystone turned 1200+ dhrystones/second. A few questions about the Minix C compiler and the distribution disks: 1) which compiler was the AT kernel/utilities compiled with? When I recompiled the kernel, the sizes of the linked files didn't agree with the distribution versions. 2) While running dhrystone under the time utility, it reported 99%+ time was user (something like 3:00 user, :01 system, 3:02 real -- there wasn't anything else running at the time). This would indicate dhrystone did as intended -- benchmark the C compiler and not minix itself. Are there any plans to improve the Minix C compiler? Or am I doing something wrong? In the Minix book, Andy Tanenbaum asserts clean code is more important than highly optimized code -- and I agree with this premise and feel Minix looks (from a browsing level) like a very clean software project. But a factor of 5 in C compiler performance is somewhat unacceptable. Any comments out there? marty leisner xerox corp. mar...@rocksvax.uucp
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!mcvax!botter!ast From: (Andy Tanenbaum) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Re: minix C compiler performance Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 31-May-87 15:25:43 EDT Article-I.D.: botter.1192 Posted: Sun May 31 15:25:43 1987 Date-Received: Tue, 2-Jun-87 02:15:34 EDT References: <1131@rocksvax.UUCP> Reply-To: (Andy Tanenbaum) Organization: VU Informatica, Amsterdam Lines: 58 Marty Leisner recently posted a note saying the MINIX C compiler ran 20% the speed of an MS-DOS compiler. This figure disagrees with an earlier posting about dhrystones, and also disagrees with my comparisons with other compilers. The MINIX binaries were made with the PC-IX compiler, and these are typically about 15% smaller and faster than the MINIX ones. I think the dhrystone tests must use some feature that the MINIX compiler is poor at (like it doesn't use registers), but I can't imagine that you will get a factor of five difference across the board with real programs. It would be interesting to see measurements of real programs (e.g., commands/*.c) with MINIX and other compilers. The main problem with the C compiler is that it is completely table driven, and the code quality depends on how much work the table writer put into optimization etc. This particular table writer, who shall remain nameless here, did not especially like the 8088 architecture, and wanted to get the job done as fast as he could. As soon as the compiler worked correctly, and passed a large battery of compiler test programs that are part of ACK, he stopped work. The only way to improve it is for someone who has ACK to go back to his tables and optimize them. Our 68020 compiler, for example, which uses the same software but has a much better driving table, produces code that is better than Motorola's own compiler. The table improvement can't be done from the "source" you can get from UniPress/Transmediair, because it requires running the compiler-compiler system, and the C compiler "source" for MINIX is the compiler, not the compiler-compiler (which runs on VAXes and SUNs with 30 or 40 megabytes of free disk space, and definitely not on PCs). Since universities can get the complete ACK source for $995 from UniPress or Transmediair, perhaps some professor who is interested in compilers can get it and have a student work on improving the quality as a Master's thesis. Code optimization on the 8088 ought to provide plenty of food for thought for the student. It obviously can be done, but requires some thinking. Another thing that might be worthwhile would be for someone who knows the 8088 assembly language fairly well to just look at the assembly code of a few simple programs, and see if there are any obvious places where the compiler messes up, other than not using registers. If there are, there might be a possibility of making another optimizer that reads in the assembly code and outputs an optimized version of same. The current optimizer, /lib/opt, works on the intermediate code only, and does not include any 8088-specific optimizations. I am starting to think about the MINIX 1.2 distribution. It will probably mostly contain bugs fixes and some of the new programs that have been posted here. I will describe it at great length later, but if you have been collecting bug reports and have been waiting until you get 100 of them before posting, now might be a good time to post them anyway. Likewise, if you have any useful programs that you intended to post but haven't yet, now is a good time. To repeat, I will get back to this subject at length later, and will post all the differences between 1.2 and 1.1 for the benefit of people with 1.1. The Atari version, incidentally, is coming along, but is still not finished, and will not be in 1.2. Andy Tanenbaum (
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!clyde!cbosgd!ihnp4!occrsh!uokmax!rmtodd From: rmt...@uokmax.UUCP (Richard Michael Todd) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Re: minix C compiler performance Message-ID: <582@uokmax.UUCP> Date: Sun, 31-May-87 23:44:13 EDT Article-I.D.: uokmax.582 Posted: Sun May 31 23:44:13 1987 Date-Received: Tue, 2-Jun-87 07:10:52 EDT References: <1131@rocksvax.UUCP> Organization: University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK Lines: 40 Summary: main difference may be register variables In article <1...@rocksvax.UUCP>, mar...@rocksvax.UUCP (Marty Leisner) writes: > Under Minix, dhrystone (at least the copy I got from netlib) turned about > 250 dhrystones/second. Under Aztec C/MS-DOS on the same hardware, dhrystone > turned 1200+ dhrystones/second. Well, what little testing I've done doesn't show that drastic a difference between the two compilers, but there is a difference in execution times. I'm not familiar with the Dhrystone benchmark--does it use register variables heavily? You see, the Minix compiler apparently ignores register declarations, whereas Aztec C (I have the developer's system, v3.40a), seems to handle up to two int-sized register vars, one in si, one in di. It makes a good bit of difference. I just recently did a slightly modified sieve, (I upped the number of iterations to 100 from 10) compiling both with and without register declarations, and linking with the Minix library and running them through dos2out, so that the two Aztec-compiled versions (with & without register declarations) would run under Minix. This ensures that we aren't accidentally including any differences arising from the different operating environments (DOS and Minix). Timing them and the sieve compiled under Minix's compiler gave these results (all results are user time given by /usr/bin/time, CPU is 8088 at 4.77MHz) Aztec cc with register declarations: 96.5 sec. Aztec cc without register declarations: 132.4 sec. Minix cc 141.0 sec. You can see that without register declarations, Aztec's code gives performance slightly better than the Minix cc. The register variables make a huge difference. Of course, the sieve is a rather limited benchmark; other benchmarks like Dhrystone will get different improvements by addition/subtraction of register variables. > A few questions about the Minix C compiler and the distribution disks: > 1) which compiler was the AT kernel/utilities compiled with? > When I recompiled the kernel, the sizes of the linked files > didn't agree with the distribution versions. Apparently it was the PC/IX compiler. The Minix compiler produces somewhat larger code. From my limited experimentation with Aztec C -- recompiling the shell and fs -- the code size produced is roughly comparable to the PC/IX output. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Todd USSnail:820 Annie Court,Norman OK 73069 UUCP: {allegra!cbosgd|ihnp4}!okstate!uokmax!rmtodd
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rutgers!ames!amdcad!sun!texsun!smu!mcomp!authorplaceholder From: w...@mcomp.UUCP Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Re: minix C compiler performance Message-ID: <222500026@mcomp> Date: Mon, 1-Jun-87 09:17:00 EDT Article-I.D.: mcomp.222500026 Posted: Mon Jun 1 09:17:00 1987 Date-Received: Fri, 12-Jun-87 01:28:27 EDT References: <1131@rocksvax.UUCP> Lines: 31 Nf-ID: #R:rocksvax.UUCP:-113100:mcomp:222500026:000:1555 Nf-From: mcomp.UUCP!wnp Jun 1 08:17:00 1987 rocksvax.UUCP!martyl (Marty Leisner) writes: > ... > I felt it took an awfully long time to recompile/link the kernel, so once > I was up on a harddisk, I ran dhrystone to get an idea of performance > (yeah, it ain't perfect, but it is a compute intensive benchmark). > > Under Minix, dhrystone (at least the copy I got from netlib) turned about > 250 dhrystones/second. Under Aztec C/MS-DOS on the same hardware, dhrystone > turned 1200+ dhrystones/second. > ... In the Minix book, Andy Tanenbaum asserts clean code is more > important than highly optimized code -- and I agree with this premise and > feel Minix looks (from a browsing level) like a very clean software project. > But a factor of 5 in C compiler performance is somewhat unacceptable. In the Minix book AST says that the compiler is the "Amsterdam Compiler Kit" C compiler, "which was shoehorned onto the 8088 with some loss in performance". I don't know which machine the ACK compiler was originally written for. I guess it's up to us, the users, to come up with a better compiler. Has anyone inquired yet how much the compiler sources would cost? > 1) which compiler was the AT kernel/utilities compiled with? > When I recompiled the kernel, the sizes of the linked files > didn't agree with the distribution versions. I understand that the MINIX distribution was compiler with the PC/IX compiler. ----------------------------------------------------- Wolf N. Paul, 290 Dogwood, Plano, Tx. 75075 UUCP: ihnp4!convex!mcomp!wnp Phone: (214) 578-8023 W.U.ESL: 6283-2882
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!rochester!ur-tut!tfra From: t...@ur-tut.UUCP (Tom Frauenhofer) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Re: minix C compiler performance Message-ID: <1413@ur-tut.UUCP> Date: Mon, 1-Jun-87 15:30:22 EDT Article-I.D.: ur-tut.1413 Posted: Mon Jun 1 15:30:22 1987 Date-Received: Wed, 3-Jun-87 01:36:01 EDT References: <1131@rocksvax.UUCP> <582@uokmax.UUCP> Reply-To: (Tom Frauenhofer) Organization: Univ. of Rochester Computing Center Lines: 11 [Et tu, line-eater?] I've run dhrystone using both the Aztec and Microsoft C compilers under "good ole" (:-) MS-Dos. You can compile it with flags for either register or no register execution (also with direct structure assignments as well as memcpy's). Aztec C was about twice as fast as Microsoft during execution of the .EXE's generated (in fact, the Aztec C LARGE memory model was about 1 1/2 times as fast as the Microsoft SMALL model!). Either Aztec has done something incredibly right with their compiler or the dhrystone benchmark is written in such a way as to "favor" Aztec's compiler (a longshot considering how the benchmark evolved).
Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!seismo!vrdxhq!bms-at!stuart From: stu...@bms-at.UUCP (Stuart D. Gathman) Newsgroups: comp.os.minix Subject: Re: minix C compiler performance Message-ID: <404@bms-at.UUCP> Date: Mon, 1-Jun-87 22:12:29 EDT Article-I.D.: bms-at.404 Posted: Mon Jun 1 22:12:29 1987 Date-Received: Wed, 3-Jun-87 04:12:29 EDT References: <1131@rocksvax.UUCP> <> Organization: Business Management Systems, Inc., Fairfax, VA Lines: 25 Summary: My complaint is different I find the generated code quality of the MINIX compiler to be acceptable. What is not acceptable is the amount of time it takes to compile. I literally do the following while trying to fix fsck: a) plan changes and edit b) start compile c) prepare and eat dinner d) check to see if it's done yet This is with a hard disk! I goes twice as fast on my diskette only Toshiba 1100+, so I have been using that instead. But it is still a major snack break. I bought an MS-DOS compiler from aztec a while back that runs in small model (and generates small model). It is very fast at compiles (compiles fsck in a few minutes). The code quality is slightly better than MINIX. I wish one of these companies (Borland especially) would sell a fast compiler for MINIX. P.S. asld seems to be reasonably fast. -- Stuart D. Gathman <stu...@bms-at.uucp> <..!seismo!dgis!bms-at!stuart>