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Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!bonnie!akgua!mcnc!rti-sel!scirtp!dfh
From: dfh@scirtp.UUCP (David F. Hinnant)
Newsgroups: net.periphs,net.wanted
Subject: Suggestions for 9-track tape drives wanted.
Message-ID: <454@scirtp.UUCP>
Date: Fri, 13-Sep-85 11:02:35 EDT
Article-I.D.: scirtp.454
Posted: Fri Sep 13 11:02:35 1985
Date-Received: Sat, 14-Sep-85 17:13:41 EDT
Distribution: net
Organization: SCI Systems, Research Triangle Park, NC
Lines: 19
Xref: watmath net.periphs:849 net.wanted:7170

  We (the software group) are looking for suggestions for:

	* Multibus controllers for 9-track tape drives
	* 9 track tape drives for a meduim size multibus UNIX box.

that they (the hardware group) didn't specify when designing our machine
(the yet-to-be-released SCI 2000).  I've used a Cipher front-loading tape
drive a while ago, but I remember it had problems with small reels.  Are
there any vendors that supply device drivers for their controllers?  Any
advice welcome.

				As they say, Thanks in advance.

				David Hinnant
				SCI Systems, Inc.
				{decvax, akgua}!mcnc!rti-sel!scirtp!dfh