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The Answer Gang
By LG Staff

The Answer Gang

Submitting Questions to The Answer Gang

The Answer Gang is now functional again. Please use the link 'Ask The Answer Gang a Question' which should appear at the top right of each page. If you don't see it, please administer your account so that you use the 'default' or 'xtemplate' themes. The other themes will be retired soon anyway.

Once you submit a question and it is deemed to be a reasonable question, it will be sent to The Answer Gang. We will post the reply as soon as we get it back!

Thanks for your patience and understanding during this time of transition.

Willy Smith
Editor in chief
Linux Gazette

TAG - Need Simple Database Application

I am in the process of converting our office to Linux. Open Office does most of what we need but there is one problem where we still need a solution. MS Access is used for some basic data storage and retreival. Not very sophisticated but beyond a simple address book. Telling my users to learn MySQL is not the answer. Is there something that will address this need? We run SUSE Linux.

Simplest Solution

Posted by dustin on Sun, 12/14/2003 - 16:25.

The spreadsheet (OpenOffice Calc) that comes bundled in OpenOffice.org can act as a simple database. For each table, create a sheet. Set up all of your records as rows, with the first row in each sheet containing titles for each column.

In the document where you'd like to use the database, add the spreadsheet as a data source (Tools -> Data Sources), and then do whatever you would like with the data (usually this is setting up an interface to the database by adding form controls to the document). The OOo help on the subject is quite helpful.

Don't knoda if this will help

Posted by Mitch Frazier on Tue, 12/09/2003 - 18:45.

Look at knoda.
It has a table designer, visual form designer, visual report designer, and its scriptable using python. Have not used it, only looked at the screenshots, so I can't say anything about its stability or usability.

MySQL and PHPMyAdmin

Posted by Phil Hughes on Tue, 12/09/2003 - 16:02.

This may be a little heavy for the basic user but once you have it all set up the user just has an easy web-based interface to the data.

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[BIO] Linux Gazette staff and authors.

Copyright © 2004, LG Staff. Copying license http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html
Published in Issue 98 of Linux Gazette, January 2004

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