Configuration of Init under Debian GNU/Linux

Copyright (C) 1995 Debian Association, Inc.

   The /etc/init.d directory contains the scripts executed by init(8)
when init state (or "runlevel") is changed.  This includes the boot
process, when the multi-user state begins.  Several of these scripts
are included with init and are intended to be executed ONCE, usually
at boot time.  An example is /etc/init.d/boot, which is executed at
boot time to check and mount file systems, activate swap, load kernel
modules, etc.--everything that needs to be done before the multi-user
state begins.  /etc/init.d also contains the scripts that are executed
when entering runlevel 0 (halt), runlevel 1 (single-user) and runlevel
6 (reboot).

   Packages can (and should) place scripts in /etc/init.d to start
or stop services at boot time or during a change of runlevel.  These
scripts should be named /etc/init.d/<package>, and they should accept
one of two arguments: "start", which starts the services, or "stop",
which stops the services.  This script should not fail obscurely when
the configuration files remain but the package has been removed, as
the default in dpkg is to leave configuration files on the system
after the package has been removed.  Only when it is executed with the
`--purge' option will dpkg remove configuration files.  Therefore, you
should include a `test' statement at the top of the script, like this:

   test -f <program-executed-later-in-script> || exit 0

These scripts should be referenced, when appropriate, by symbolic
links in the /etc/rc?.d directories, as below.

   When changing runlevels, init looks in the directory /etc/rc<n>.d
for the scripts it should execute, where <n> is the runlevel that is
being changed to.  Please note that the "scripts" in /etc/rc?.d are
not actually scripts; they are symbolic links, referencing actual
scripts in /etc/init.d.  For simplicity, we refer to them as "scripts".

   First, the scripts prefixed with a "K" are executed, followed by
the scripts prefixed with an "S".  The "K" scripts are responsible
for killing certain services and the "S" scripts for starting certain
services upon ENTERING the runlevel.  For example, if we are changing
from runlevel 2 to runlevel 3, init will first execute all of the "K"
prefixed scripts it finds in /etc/rc3.d (to kill services), and then
all of the "S" prefixed scripts it finds in /etc/rc3.d (to start
services).  The "K" scripts will execute the file it references with
an argument of "stop", and the "S" scripts will execute this file with
an argument of "start".

   After the "K" or "S" prefix, there should be a number specified,
and this number should be between 00 and 99.  The number determines
the order in which the scripts are run.  For example, the "K20" scripts
will be executed before the "K30" scripts.  You can use this number
to make sure that a certain service is started before another.  For
example, on some machines, the program `setserial' may need to
properly set an IRQ before the `ppp' program uses a modem to connect
to a network.  In this case, the script that runs `setserial' should
have a lower number than the script that starts `ppp' so that it runs


   If it does not matter when or in which order the script is run,
use the number "20".  If it does, then you should talk to Ian Murdock
<> first, and he will help you choose a number.

   In Debian GNU/Linux, we try to ship our software in as much of a
"default" state as possible.  Therefore, unless there is a good reason
for doing differently, we ask that you start and stop the services in
each of the multi-user state runlevels (2, 3, 4, and 5).  If a service
needs to be stopped before a file system can be unmounted (an example
is process accounting or quota services), then be sure to stop them
in the halt runlevel (0), the single-user runlevel (1) and the reboot
runlevel (6).

   The system administrator will have the opportunity to customize
runlevels by simply adding, moving, or removing the symbolic links
in /etc/rc?.d.  This is why we default to running everything in the
multi-user state--a reasonable default--and the administrator can
easily customize init to be as complex and sophisticated as he or
she wants it to be beyond this.

   We provide a script to make it easier for package maintainers to
arrange for the proper creation and removal of /etc/rc?.d symbolic
links from their postinst and postrm scripts.  You should use this
script to make changes to /etc/rc?.d and NEVER include any /etc/rc.?.d
symbolic links in the actual archive.

   * In the postinst script, you need only do the following to setup
   /etc/rc?.d.  You should redirect standard output to /dev/null, as
   update-rc.d produces insignificant output:

      update-rc.d <package> defaults >/dev/null

   where <package> is the name of the file as it appears in /etc/init.d.
   It will use the default number of "20", as mentioned above.  If you
   need to use a different number, you can specify it after "defaults":

      update-rc.d <package> defaults 30 >/dev/null

   * In the postrm script, you need to call update-rc.d IF AND ONLY IF
   it is called with the `purge' argument:

      if [ $1 = "purge" ]
        update-rc.d <package> remove >/dev/null


   DO NOT include the /etc/rc?.d/* symbolic links in the archive!
THIS WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS!  You should create them with update-rc.d,
as above.

   DO NOT include the /etc/rc?.d/* symbolic links in conffiles!  THIS
WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS!  DO, however, include the /etc/init.d scripts in

*** EXAMPLE ***

   The process accounting package wants to make sure that process
accounting is started at boot time and that it is stopped before the
system is halted, enters the single-user state, or is rebooted (all
so the /var file system can be properly unmounted).  It puts a script
that does this in /etc/init.d, naming the script appropriately "acct".
This script accepts one of two arguments: either "start", which starts
process accounting, or "stop", which stops it.  To ensure that it does
not fail obscurely when the configuration files remain but the package
has been removed, we include a `test' statement at the top of the

   #! /bin/sh
   # Start process accounting.

   . /etc/init.d/functions

   test -f /usr/sbin/accton || exit 0

   case "$1" in
       echo "Starting process accounting"
       /usr/sbin/accton /var/account/pacct
       echo "Stopping process accounting"
       echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/acct {start|stop}"
       exit 1

   exit 0

(You may find a skeletal script from which to base your /etc/init.d
scripts in /etc/init.d/skeleton.)

   We want to stop then (re)start process accounting when entering
a multi-user state--runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5--and we want to stop
it when leaving such a state--runlevels 0 (halt), 1 (single) and 6
(reboot).  These are good defaults, and we accomplish this by
including the following in the postinst:

   update-rc.d acct defaults >/dev/null

   When the user removes the acct packages with the `--purge' option,
we want to make sure the /etc/rc?.d symbolic links are properly removed,
so we include the following in the postrm:

   update-rc.d acct remove >/dev/null

Otherwise, the /etc/rc?.d symbolic links will remain on the system
along with /etc/init.d/acct script.