From: Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: Getting the SCO demo version of Word Perfect working under Linux Date: 8 Jul 1994 16:44:16 GMT Approved: (Lars Wirzenius) Message-ID: <2vjvp0$smp@hydra.Helsinki.FI> I have just uploaded the file wpfix.tar.gz to This file contains a shell script and instructions for getting the SCO demo version of Word Perfect working under Linux. I just bought the real version of WP and installed it last night. I will post my experiences with that version, after I have had a chance to write it up. Here is the LSM entry: Begin2 Title =wpfix.tar.gz Version =1.0 Desc1 =Instructions and a shell script to fix the demo version of Desc2 =SCO WordPerfect so that it will run under Linux Desc3 = Desc4 = Desc5 = Author =Jim Nance AuthorEmail Maintainer MaintEmail Site1 Path1 =/pub/Linux/Incoming File1 =wpfix.tar.gz FileSize1 =6K Site2 = Path2 = File2 = FileSize2 = Site3 = Path3 = File3 = FileSize3 = Site4 = Path4 = File4 = FileSize4 = Required1 =XFree86 ibcs module Required2 =Demo version of Word Perfect from Required3 = Required4 = CopyPolicy1 =Freely distributable CopyPolicy2 = Keywords =ibcs2 WordPerfect WP Demo Comment1 =Requires Comment2 = Comment3 = Comment4 = RelFiles1 = RelFiles2 = RelFiles3 = Entered = EnteredBy = CheckedEmail = End Jim Nance -- Mail submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.