This directory contains a shell script to patch the SCO demo version of WordPerfect. You will need: 1) The ibcs module for linux: get the module with the latest date. Follow the instructions. 2) modutils. Specifically insmod. If you dont have this you can get it from 3) The kernel source for linux-1.1.2[34]. I think there is a prepatched version on sunsite, but if you cant find it, get the 1.1.13 version from and all the patches necessary to bring it up to 1.1.24. Susposidly the ibcs module works with the 1.0.9 kernel if you patch the kernel, but I have not tried it. I know they work with 1.1.2[34]. 4) Shared libs 4.5.24 or greater. I wish I had older libs on my machine, but I dont. 5) The demo version of WordPerfect. Get it from: The file is called sco.z It is a compressed tar file. It is 8 Megs. If you uncompress it and gzip it, it will go down to 5 Megs. Now do this: 1) Build the kernel 2) Boot the kernel (necessary to compile ibcs module) 3) Compile ibcs module. Also make sure you read the bit about the Local X server, and follow the instructions to set it up. 4) insmod the ibcs module 5) cat /proc/modules to see if it is there. 6) mkdir wpdemo 7) cd wpdemo 8) tar xzvf ../where-ever-you-put-it/sco.z 9) Now you want to run the file fix-wp that came with this README. Run this file from the wpdemo directory that you made. 10) make sure X11 is running 11) demo.wp The demo takes a while to come up if you choose the Color demonstration document. Just wait for it. It is quite impressive. Jim Nance