Version:	1.0, 01-Feb-92
		- Initial version, very primitive for the Minix
		  operating system. Required some mods. to the

 		1.1, 30-Apr-92
		- Read manual wrong: there is no 'action' field called
		  process, but all entries are of type process. Every
		  'process' get exec'ed by /bin/sh -c 'exec command'.
		- Rapidly respawning processes are caught in the act.
		- _SYSV support is really Linux support,
		  done by on 25-Mar-92.

		1.2, 16-Jun-92
		- Bugreport from Michael Haardt ; removed deadlock
		  and added 'waitpid' instead of 'wait' for SYSV.

		1.3, 05-Jul-92
		- Got a 386, so installed Linux. Added 'soft' reboot
		  to be default under linux. Fixed some typos.

		2.0 08-Dec-92
		- Rewrote the code totally, so started with a new
		  version number.
		- Dropped Minix support, this code now is Linux - specific.
		- With TEST switch on, this init & telinit can
		  run standalone for test purposes.

		2.1 28-Jan-93
		- Fixed a bug with 'boot' and 'once'.
		- Check 'initdefault' for validity.
		- Reckognizes "single" as command line argument.
		- Retries execvp with 'sh -c exec ..' if command
		  is a shell script. (shouldn't execvp do this?)
		- Added patches to use syslog if defined.

		2.2 02-Mar-93
		- Made wait()'s asynchronous
		- Changed whole thing to one big state machine
		- Now using 'pseudo levels' # & * for SYSINIT & BOOT
		- Added a new type of 'action', called leave. This
		  process will be executed when the system goes from a
		  runlevel specified in it's runlevel field to a 
		  level that's not. Nice to bring down NFS and the like.

		2.3 24-Mar-93
		- Ripped out the 'leave' action. To difficult, and
		- Going single user now kills _all_ processes.
		- Added '-t secs' option to all commands.
		- This version is stable enough to post.

		2.4a 22-Apr-93
		- Fixed last to reckognize BSD style wtmp logging.
		- Changed init to write wtmp records that are
		  SysV compliant but are also reckognized by the
		  BSD last. Added a '+' option to the 'process'
		  field of inittab, for getties that want to do
		  their own utmp/wtmp housekeeping (kludge!).
		- Now accepts a runlevel on the command line,
		  and reckognizes the 'auto' argument. (Sets the
		  environment variable AUTOBOOT to YES)

		2.4g 15-May-93
		- Changed init to really catch SIGPWR 'cause we
		  hooked up an UPS to the Linux machine. The
		  keyword for catching the TreeFingerSalute is
		  now "ctrlaltdel" instead of "power{wait,fail}".

		2.4  24-May-93
		- Send out the official version into the world as