From: (Erik Collin)
Subject: Looking for X3862.0
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1992 01:16:26 GMT

A friend of mine says something called X386 version 2.0 is the best
version of X to come along so far.  It's supposed to be nicely tuned
to run fast on the et4000 chipset (I have a tseng4000 video card).
I've looked at tsx-11 and sunsite but couldn't find it.

Anyone care to give me a clue where I might find it?


--       Erik Collin                    --

From: cummings@bbird8.Prime.COM (Kevin Cummings)
Subject: Re: Looking for X3862.0
Date: 16 Oct 92 15:50:38 GMT

In article <zk3zv!>, (Erik Collin) writes:
|> A friend of mine says something called X386 version 2.0 is the best
|> version of X to come along so far.  It's supposed to be nicely tuned
|> to run fast on the et4000 chipset (I have a tseng4000 video card).
|> I've looked at tsx-11 and sunsite but couldn't find it.
|> Anyone care to give me a clue where I might find it?

I beleive that your friend was refering to Xfree86 version 1.1.  The
name change was made to differentiate the comercial product X386 from
the freely available 386 X server Xfree86.  Perhaps the X maintainers
can shed some more light.

Kevin J. Cummings                       PrimeService
20 Briarwood Road                       A Computervision Company
Framingham, Mass.                       500 Old Connecticut Path
                                        Framingham, Mass.
Work:  cummings@primerd.Prime.COM

Std. Disclaimer: "Mr. McKittrick, after careful consideration,
                  I've come to the conclusion that your new
                  defense system SUCKS..."   --  War Games

From: (Thomas Roell)
Subject: Re: Looking for X3862.0
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1992 08:06:10 GMT

>I beleive that your friend was refering to Xfree86 version 1.1.  The
>name change was made to differentiate the comercial product X386 from
>the freely available 386 X server Xfree86.  Perhaps the X maintainers
>can shed some more light.

The change was made to avoid questions like this. There will be a
X386 2.0, which will have few things in common with Xfree86 or
X386 1.3. To make this easy for the people and instead of having
X386 1.3E 2.0 as a name the XFree86 changed the name....

- Thomas

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