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D.3 Installation Overview

Installation Overview

Installing Red Hat Linux on an Alpha system is slightly more complex than installing Red Hat Linux/Intel, mostly due to differences in machine architecture, and the variety of different models supported. In general, the main steps to a successful install are:

  1. Create MILO, kernel, and ramdisk diskettes from images available on the Red Hat Linux/Alpha CD.

  2. Use the MILO diskette to boot the appropriate Linux kernel.

  3. Load and run the Red Hat Linux/Alpha installation program.
  4. After the installation completes, install MILO on a small disk partition on your machine.

Please Note:While the majority of Alpha systems are supported by MILO, those that are not will need to boot the boot floppy (or CD-ROM) directly from the SRM (System Reference Manual) console . Information on doing this is available from the Red Hat Software web site at You should also consult your system documentation for the proper boot command syntax, but in general, the proper command would look like this:

boot dva0 -file vmlinux.gz -flags "load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1"

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