The following list of Xconfig keywords are options controlled via the Metro-X Configuration Utility. Any changes to these options should be made through the utility to avoid accidental damage to the function of Metro-X.
BitsPerPixel <number> Some X drivers support packed 24 bits per pixel memory organization. This means that each pixel takes up three bytes of video memory. In this case, configX inserts the line: BitsPerPixel 24
Buttons <number> This specifies the number of buttons on the mouse. This entry must immediately follow the Mouse entry in the Xconfig file.
Card <string> This designates the model of the graphics card in use. This is only used by configX.
Chipset <string> This displays the chipset used by the server. Normally configX inserts the correct chipset into the Xconfig file.
Clocks <number> [<number>...] This contains a list of numbers specifying the frequencies associated with the clock generator on the card. The numbers are specified in MHz.
Depth <number> This references the color depth of the screen, which controls how many colors can be displayed. Different cards and drivers support different depth values: 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32. Depth 4 supports 16 colors and depth 32 supports 16 million colors.
Dimensions <width> <height > This keyword represents the dimensions of the screen in millimeters, which is passed to X clients upon request.
DPMSoffDelay <number> This controls the number of seconds after the last user input before the screen enters DPMS off mode. Off mode provides maximum power reduction. To activate this mode, the X server disables both the horizontal and vertical sync signals to the monitor.
DPMSstandbyDelay<number> This controls the number of seconds after the last user input before the screen enters DPMS standby mode. Standby mode provides minimal power reduction. To activate this mode, the X server disables the horizontal sync signal to the monitor.
DPMSsuspendDelay<number> This controls the number of seconds after the last user input before the screen enters DPMS suspend mode. Suspend mode provides significant power reduction. To activate this mode, the X server disables the vertical sync signal to the monitor.
Driver<string> This references the name of the driver, which usually corresponds to the name of the X server. For example:
initiates the section for defining the 8514 driver.Driver 8514
Emulate3Buttons This entry is used when a two-button mouse is emulating a three-button mouse. This entry must immediately follow the Mouse entry in the Xconfig file.
FontPath <string> FontPath is followed by a comma-delimited string of font directories. A font directory is any directory which contains fonts and a fonts.dir file.
This allows you to shut down the X server with the key sequence
. If this keyword is not present,
does nothing special.
KbdDesc <string> The quoted string must match one of the entries in the KeyboardInfo file.
KbdDescFile <string> The string describes the keyboard.
LogFile <filename> Errors from the X server are logged here.
Modes The entries following the Modes give display mode timing information. If more than one mode is specified, the server can switch between modes. See Modes ( section C.2.4 for more details.
Monitor`` <string>'' The quoted string must match one of the entries in the MonitorInfo file. Mouse<type> [device] This describes the type of mouse in use. Type is a keyword that is OS dependant; the device parameter is usually required and is a file in the /dev directory.
MouseDesc``<string>'' The quoted string must match one of the entries in the MouseInfo file.
ScreenLayout<screen> <leftneighbor> <rightneighbor> <topneighbor> <bottomneighbor> <leftedge> <rightedge> <topedge> <bottomedge> This defines how the mouse cursor behaves when it gets to the edge of the screen. There is one ScreenLayout entry for each configured screen. The *neighbor fields tell which screen to move the mouse to. A value of -1 indicates that the mouse should stop at that edge. The *edge fields tell at which edge of the corresponding *neighbor screen the mouse will appear. Screens are numbered from 0 to 4. Edges are numbered as follows:
Figure C.1: ScreenLayout Edge Numbering
NOTE: Any changes made to this entry will be lost if configX is run.
ScreenLayoutIndex<number> This tells which of the predefined screen layouts was chosen in configX.
Virtual<width> <height> This designates the virtual width and height of the screen. The virtual width and height may be larger than the physical width and height if hardware panning is used.
Weight<string> This designates the RGB color specification, which is dependent on the depth value. When the depth value is 16, the options are:
When the depth value is 32, the options are:R5:G5:B5 (default) or R5:G6:B5
When the depth value is 4 or 8, the weight value is ignored. XscreenSaverDelay This controls the number of seconds (with no input) before the screen is blanked.R8:G8:B8 (default) or B8:G8:R8