The Remote Desktop preference tool enables you to share a GNOME Desktop session between multiple users, and to set session-sharing preferences.
Table I.9-1 lists the session-sharing preferences that you can set. These preferences have a direct impact on the security of your system.
Dialog Element | Description |
Allow other users to view your desktop | Select this option to enable remote users to view your session. All keyboard, pointer, and clipboard events from the remote user are ignored. |
Allow other users to control your desktop | Select this option to enable other to access and control your session from a remote location. |
Users can view your desktop using this command: | Click on the highlighted text to system address by email to a remote user. |
When a user tries to view or control your desktop |
Select the following security
considerations when a user tries to view or control your session:
Password | Enter the password that the client who attempts to view or control your session must enter. |