Appendix B. KDE Class Reference

An abridged KDE API (Application Programmers Interface) reference is available at and It contains documentation of the public interfaces to KDE widgets and utility classes that are in the following libraries:

The API documentation was carefully reviewed, starting with work done by Air Michail on code reuse (, to select classes that were used often throughout KDE 1.x applications and expected to be important for KDE 2.0 application development. I hope this abridged reference will be sufficient for most KDE application developers and more convenient and easier to navigate than the full version. (The full version is automatically generated by KDOC and is available at

The API documentation was also professionally edited by Macmillan Publishing and by the author. The edited version was returned to the KDE CVS (i.e., to the class header files) so that all future versions—full or abridged—may benefit.

The formatted version of the abridged documentation was generated with a modified version of KDOC.