To start configuring the GNOME panel right click on the panel and select the Global Properties menu item. You may also press the Main Menu button and select the Panel | Global Properties menu item.
This will bring the Global Panel Configuration dialog up. With this dialog you can set the global properties for all panels you use now and any panels you add in the future.
Figure 6-1. The Global Panel Configuration Dialog
The Global Panel Configuration Dialog contains six tabs which help you configure the global properties of the GNOME Panel: Animation, Launcher Icon, Drawer Icon, Menu Icon, and Miscellaneous. Each of these tabs is explained below.
Enable animations - This allows the animations configurable on this tab to be visible. The animations must be enabled to use the other features of this tab. The default position is on.
Auto-Hide Animation Speed - If you have the panel hiding automatically this will control how fast it occurs.
Explicit-Hide Animation Speed - This controls the hide speed when you press the Panel's Hide Button.
Drawer Animation Speed - If you use a Drawer panel this will control how fast the drawer menu will raise.
Auto-Hide Minimize Delay(ms) - If you have the Panel set to minimize automatically this will allow you to control how much time passes before it minimizes. The Panel will start the time count once the mouse is no longer over it. It will appear again when the mouse is passed to the area it occupies when up. This time is measured in milliseconds.
Auto-Hide Minimized Size(pixels) - If you have the Panel hiding automatically this determines the number of pixels that will show while the Panel is minimized.
Tiles enabled - This checkbox will enable background tiles for all icons on the Panel.
Tile filename (up) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the up position(inactive, not pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tile filename (down) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the down position(active, pressed). You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Border width (tile only) - This determines the width of the border around an icon. This is very useful if you have an icon that would normally cover up a tile. You can set the border to a smaller size and still be able to see your tile.
Depth (displacement when pressed) - This determines the depth an icon will displace when pressed. Tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tiles enabled - This checkbox will enable background tiles for all drawers on the Panel.
Tile filename (up) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the up position(inactive, not pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tile filename (down) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the down position(active, pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Border width (tile only) - This determines the width of the border around a tile. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Depth (displacement when pressed) - This determines the depth a tile will displace when pressed. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tiles enabled - This checkbox will enable background tiles for the Main Menu button on the Panel.
Tile filename (up) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the up position(inactive, not pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Menu tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tile filename (down) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the down position(active, pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Menu tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Border width (tile only) - This determines the width of the border around a tile. Menu tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Depth (displacement when pressed) - This determines the depth a tile will displace when pressed. Menu tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tiles enabled - This checkbox will enable background tiles for all drawers on the Panel.
Tile filename (up) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the up position(inactive, not pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tile filename (down) - This is the name and path of the image file you wish to use for the tile in the down position(active, pressed) You may press the Browse button to search for the file. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Border width (tile only) - This determines the width of the border around a tile. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Depth (displacement when pressed) - This determines the depth a tile will displace when pressed. Drawer tiles must be enabled to access this option.
Tooltips enabled - This enables tooltips for items on the panel. Tooltips are pop-up help dialogs that appear when you mouse is over an element on the panel.
Show Small Icons - This will enable small icons in the Main Menu.
Show ... buttons - This will enable three small dots to appear on Main Menu items that launch dialogs.
Show popup menus outside of panels - This allows popup menus to appear away from the Panel when on. When toggle off the popups will appear over the Panel. This can be useful on smaller screens or cluttered desktops.
Keep menus in memory - This will keep your menus in memory so that they do not rescan for added items. This can increase the speed of GNOME but may also result in you missing new items in your menu that are GNOME compliant.
Switched movement - This allows launcher buttons on the panel to switch places with other icons when being moved.
Free Movement (doesn't disturb other applets) - This feature locks the arrangement of your icons on the Panel. This is a good feature to use if you like the way your icons are arranged.
Prompt before logout - This will bring up a yes/no dialog which asks you if you would really like to log out.
Raise panels on mouse-over - If you are using a window manager that is not GNOME compliant it will not understand its relationship with the Panel. This can cause your Panel to be covered by applications. If you enable this feature you can have the Panel automatically raise when your mouse is over it.
Keep panel below windows - If you are using a GNOME compliant window manager the window manager will understand its relationship with the Panel. If you choose this feature the window manager and GNOME will allow applications to appear over the Panel. This can be useful on smaller screens.
Close drawer if a launcher inside it is pressed - By default drawers will remain open when you select an item within one. This can be annoying as the drawer will remain open until you close it with a mouse click. With this option selected drawers will close automatically when you select any item within one.
Applet padding - This changes the amount of space (padding) between icons and applets.