From: Erik Troan <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: Red Hat Linux Free Desktop Contest
Date: Sat, 05 May 1996 10:30:37 GMT
Organization: ?
Approved: (Lars Wirzenius)
Message-ID: <>

Red Hat Software is pleased to announce the....

	Red Hat Free Desktop Contest

to encourage the creation of user friendly X based desktops.

User's of Red Hat Linux and Red Hat Linux based products (such as the
Caldera Network Desktop) are all encouraged to submit their favorite
X desktop. The basic rules are:

	1) Everything you use must be freely available as RPMs
	2) Maximum resolution of 1024x768 and 256 colors
	3) We need to see a glint or control-panel in the screen
	   shot somewhere

For complete details on this contest, including rules, procedures, and
samples desktops, please look at

Our prizes will be awarded by a panel of 5 judges, and include:

	A Universal Desktop Box (UDB) Alpha system donated by
	Digital Equipment Corporation! This 166 MHz Alpha
	system with 24 MB of RAM is the (very) grand prize!

	A 1 gigabyte hard drive from Linux Hardware Solutions.
	IDE or SCSI, it's up to the winner.

	Free copies for Red Hat Linux for any platform we support. If
	you already have the latest Red Hat, we'll wait and send you
	the next version.

The judges are:

	Giles Bateman of PCTV
	Marc Ewing of Red Hat Software
	Jon "maddog" Hall of Digital Equipment Corporation
	Marc Hamstra of Bentley Systems
	Erik Troan of Red Hat Software


	Entries must be submitted by June 15, 1996
	Winners will be announced on July 4, 1996

Again, the magic URL for information on this contest is:


Red Hat Linux is a freely distributable distribution of the Linux 
Operating System. For more information on Red Hat Linux, check out It is available for free on the Internet as
well as commercially from a variety of CD resellers, including Red Hat
software, Infomagic, Yggdrasil, and Pacific Hi Tech.


Thanks to Digital Equipment Corporation and Linux Hardware solutions for
donating the prizes to make this contest so exciting. Thanks also to
the members of the Red Hat mailing list for the inspiration and outline
of this contest.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Always hoped that I'd be an apostle. Knew that I would make it if I tried.
     Then when we retire we can write the gospels so they'll all talk about
         us when we die. - "The Last Supper" from Jesus Christ Superstar
|   Erik Troan   =   =    |

This article has been digitally signed by the moderator, using PGP.
Finger for PGP key needed for validating signature.
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
PLEASE remember a short description of the software and the LOCATION.

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: CONTEST: Red Hat Free Desktop Contest - Win an Alpha workstation!
Date: Mon, 21 May 1996 12:51:12 GMT
Organization: Lasu's home machine
Approved: (Lars Wirzenius)
Message-ID: <>

          Red Hat Software is pleased to announce the....

	           Red Hat Free Desktop Contest

Win free Linux hardware and software, including a 64 bit Alpha Workstation!

- --------

This contest is designed to give you the chance to show off your
killer desktop configuration, foster creativity, and to show the
world what can be done with free software.

Everyone has their favorite hacks and tweaks for their personal desktop,
and we want to seem them!  In return you can win big prizes!

- -------------

1) Read for complete details
2) Configure your desktop using free RPM-ed software
3) Submit a screen shot and your configuration files
4) Win big prizes! (hopefully :-)

- ----------

 A 64 bit Alpha Workstation running Red Hat Linux!
 1GB hard drive (IDE or SCSI)
 Copies of Official Red Hat Linux (for any platform)

- ---------

The entries will be judged by the following panel:

	Giles Bateman of PCTV
	Marc Ewing of Red Hat Software
	Jon "maddog" Hall of Digital Equipment Corporation
	Marc Hamstra of Bentley Systems
	Erik Troan of Red Hat Software
- -------------

	Entries must be submitted by June 15, 1996
	Winners will be announced on July 4, 1996

- ------------

[ OK, it doesn't begin with a `P', but I couldn't come up with a word! ]

Thanks to Digital Equipment Corporation and Linux Hardware solutions for
donating the prizes to make this contest so exciting. Thanks also to
the members of the Red Hat mailing list for the inspiration and outline
of this contest.

This article has been digitally signed by the moderator, using PGP.
Finger for PGP key needed for validating signature.
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
PLEASE remember a short description of the software and the LOCATION.

From: Marc Ewing <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Subject: Red Hat Desktop Contest Winners Announced!
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 13:26:45 GMT
Organization: ?
Approved: (Lars Wirzenius)
Message-ID: <>

Dear Linux Users,

The event that you all have been patiently waiting for is at hand, the
announcement of the winners of the Red Hat Desktop Contest.

First of all, let me say that it was very difficult judging this
contest.  We had forty-three entries.  On the surface, a lot of the
entries looked similar, but after investigating them all, some edged
the others out in various capabilities.

The first judging was done by visual inspection.  "Glitz" was the
entry that was completely by inspection, but some of the other
categories were also judged by visual inspection, to see if people
might be able to look at the screen for a long period of time.
Bright, contrasting colors (for example) did not bode well in the
"practical" space.

Secondly, each entry was extracted, and its basic setup tested for
color-map usage (i.e. there were no applications going, just the
window manager, icons, etc.).  This was to see how many colors might
be left in the color map for an application to use.  This was a strong
factor in both the "practical" and "laptop" entries, but stronger in
"laptop" than for the "practical".

Third, each entry was tested on a 640x480 screen, to see if it all
fit.  Again, this was most significant in the "laptop" entry.

Fourth, the design criteria were read, to see what the developer was
thinking when they designed their desktop.

Fifth, amount of integration, use of colors, etc. were evaluated also.

We had only two entries which *tried* to be entered into the contest
for the "Open" category.  However, those entries were so badly mangled
(it looked as if the entry was not uploaded in binary form) that the
contest manager could not even get an e-mail address out of them to
notify the entrants of the problem.

When we saw that there were missing files on a likely candidate, we
contacted the author.  Although this was technically "breaking the
rules", we could not in all good conscience eliminate a really good
entry because it was missing a file.

Rules to the contest stated that when we chose "Best of Show", we then
had to back-fill the entry in all the other categories that it was in.
This was also true of "Runner-up".  Because of this you will not see
that "Best of Show" actually came out of the "practical" group, with
strong emphasis both in "Other OS", and "Laptop".  Also "Runner-up"
mostly came from "practical" and "Other OS", with at least one judge
thinking that it was also "glitziest".

Finally, in winning "Best of Show" or even "Runner Up", a selection
did not even have to win a category level, but it definitely had to be
one of the top contenders in several categories.

The judges were quite pleased with the enthusiasm and spirit that went
with the entries.  We appreciate all the time and effort that each
contestant placed in their entry, and we also appreciate the comments
that some people put in their README files about how this contest
would make a better desktop.

This is what the contest was all about.

So, with this explanation, we are proud to announce:

Best of Show:   entry 30, Greg J. Badros,
Runner-up:      entry 38, Patrice Fortier,
Glitziest:      entry 10, Jukka Isosaari,
Laptop:         entry 29, David Sundqvist,
Most Practical: entry 31, Hector Peraza,
Other OS:       entry 27, Bob Minowicz,

You can see all the screen shots and configuration files at:


Giles Bateman
Marc Ewing
Jon "maddog" Hall, Esq.
Mark Hamstra
Eric Troan

This article has been digitally signed by the moderator, using PGP.
Finger for PGP key needed for validating signature.
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to:
PLEASE remember a short description of the software and the LOCATION.