Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/3/84; site genrad.UUCP Path: utzoo!decvax!genrad!sources-request From: sources-requ...@genrad.UUCP Newsgroups: mod.sources Subject: wm - a window manager (part 0 of 4) Message-ID: <998@genrad.UUCP> Date: Fri, 2-Aug-85 13:23:32 EDT Article-I.D.: genrad.998 Posted: Fri Aug 2 13:23:32 1985 Date-Received: Sat, 3-Aug-85 04:20:17 EDT Sender: j...@genrad.UUCP Lines: 49 Approved: j...@genrad.UUCP Mod.sources: Volume 2, Issue 30 Submitted by: Tom Truscott <decvax!mcnc!rti-sel!trt> This is a copy of the README from the wm distribution ----------------------------------------------------- A Revised Edition of the `wm' window manager Matt Lennon (919) 541-6919 Tom Truscott (919) 541-7005 Research Triangle Institute, NC P.O. Box 12194 RTP, NC 27709 To install WM: 1) Install the provided version of the Curses library. This library has bug fixes *necessary* to the proper operation of WM. If you don't actually install libcurses.a in /usr/lib, you must indicate this in the WM Makefile (the LIBCURSES macro), and you must copy the provided curses.h to this directory so that it will be included during compilation. 2) Set the value of BIN in the WM makefile to the directory where the WM program should reside. 3) Type 'make install'. 4) Install the WM manual page, wm.1, in the appropriate place. Note 1: This version of WM is horribly 4.2bsd-dependent, using pseudo-ttys, the 'select()' system call, 4.2-specific ioctl's, etc. Conceivably, it could be made to run under 4.1bsd with some minor mods, but porting to other versions of UNIX would probably entail a major rewrite. Note 2: The paper 'USINGWM' is a brief essay on how we use WM here at RTI, and should prove helpful in getting used to the WM style of doing things. It also describes some problems/glitches with WM that you should be aware of. Note 3: Included in this distribution is a paper (Paper.jacob) by the original WM author that describe WM's development and structure. While the description of the 4.2bsd version of WM pertains to an earlier version, the basics are still the same, and this paper is good reading.