Theme Index File

Each theme has an index file which defines the characteristics of the theme. The name of the index file is /usr/share/themes/theme-name/index.theme.

The following is a sample theme index file:

[Desktop Entry] Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme Name=High Contrast Large Name[es]=Alto contraste grande Comment=Large black-on-white text and icons Comment[es]=Textos e iconos grandes en negro sobre blanco Encoding=UTF-8 [X-GNOME-Metatheme] GtkTheme=HighContrastLargePrint IconTheme=HighContrast MetacityTheme=Atlanta ApplicationFont=sans 18

The following table describes the keys in theme index files:

Table 3-1Keys in Theme Index Files
Index File Key Description
Type Specifies that this theme determines the appearance of several theme options, such as controls, window frames, and icons.
Name The name of the theme. This is the name of the theme that is displayed in the Theme preference tool.
Comment A brief description of the theme. This is the text that is displayed under the name of the theme in the Theme preference tool.
GtkTheme Corresponds to the controls setting in the Theme preference tool. Specifies which controls setting option to apply to windows, panels, and applets.
IconTheme Corresponds to the icons setting in the Theme preference tool. Specifies which icons setting option to apply to panels and the desktop background.
MetacityTheme Corresponds to the window frame setting in the Theme preference tool. Specifies which window frame setting option to apply to windows.
ApplicationFont Corresponds to the application font setting in the Font preference tool.